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Generic Webhooks
Updated over 3 months ago

In the integrations area of your account, you'll see "Generic Webhooks" where you can select a feed. This is for adding/removing listeners using an external webhook tool meant for advanced users. You may need to contact a developer for assistance.

You'll POST to that webhook URL using the following JSON body format:

  "email": "[email protected]",  
  "status": "active|inactive|deleted",
  "lastName": "Pennyworth",
  "content": "Here's your feed!",  
  "sendEmail": true|false,
  "addTags": "member,bonus,affiliate",
  "removeTags": "trial,lead,enemy"

The webhook call returns 3 fields as shown below:

  "title": "Awesome Course Feed",
  "subscribePageLink": "",
  "rssFeedLink": ""

The subscribePageLink points to the listener's webpage with the app buttons. The rssFeedLink is the actual podcast feed's URL to be pasted in apps or RSS readers. (The links shown above are just examples. They won't function.)

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