In your account page, you'll find the "Affiliate Link Code" field. This places your Hello Audio affiliate link across all feeds in your account.
If you haven't yet, you can sign up for a Hello Audio affiliate account at and read more on our help doc here.
You can paste your affiliate code from your FirstPromoter dashboard, or click "Load from FirstPromoter" to automatically pull it in if your account email address matches your FirstPromoter email address.
Choose where you'd like your affiliate link to appear:
In episode show notes
It will appear at the bottom of every episode's notes inside podcast apps
In embeddable players
The "Hello Audio" text in the players will link to your affiliate link rather than just
At the bottom of the subscribe page that listeners are emailed
βUnder the buttons where they choose the app to subscribe in, they'll see your affiliate link.
How to turn off affiliate links on individual feeds
You can choose on a per-feed basis if you'd like to opt-out of showing the affiliate link. Meaning, it can appear on some feeds but not others. Click "Edit Feed Properties" and find the "Suppress Affiliate Links for this feed" checkbox to turn the off at all locations for that feed..