This help doc is for migrating all subscriptions in Google Podcasts to YouTube Music. If you'd like to subscribe to a single podcast feed in YouTube Music, you can follow the instructions in this help doc instead.
In 2024, Google is closing down the Google Podcasts app and is requesting all listeners begin using YouTube Music instead.
As a listener, you can migrate your feeds from Google Podcasts directly into YT Music by following these instructions:
Visit and click "Export" next to the option for Youtube Music.
Click "Transfer as..." your email address.
Click "Continue" when prompted about RSS feeds.
Wait for the transfer to complete (about a minute), then wait for the feeds to process (1 hour or more for many large feeds).
Find your podcasts at
Download the YouTube Music app for you mobile device:
See the images below demonstrating the process.
Contact YouTube Music support if you have questions about your account or this transfer: