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The Website/Link Field in Feeds
Updated over 3 months ago

One of the required fields of a feed is the Website field. When creating a new feed, you'll need to provide a link of your choice.This can point wherever you'd like.

Be sure to include "https://" at the start of the URL. Some apps won't link correctly if that's missing.

A few options:

  • Your business website

  • The login page for your product/course

  • Your Facebook page

  • Your Instagram page

  • (it really doesn't matter what's in this field, as long as it's a link)

It appears in a few apps in different ways. Some examples:

Apple Podcasts

Scroll to the very bottom of the episode list and you'll see "Information". The "Show Website" will have the feed title clickable with your link.

Google Podcasts

At the top of episodes is a globe icon that links to your link.


At the top of the episodes, your link is shown under the hosts' names.

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