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Dynamic Content
Updated over 3 months ago

Your feeds in Hello Audio can have up to three pre- and post-roll sections that can be dynamically delivered to your listeners in every episode of a feed. This feature requires a Powerhouse Hello Audio plan.

Dynamic content is typically a short segment that plays before or after the episodes of a feed. They're "dynamic" in that they can be added or removed from a feed at any time. You can also schedule them to start or end on a particular date and time.

This is a feed-level setting. All episodes in the feed will have the dynamic content added to them in the same way.

The listener would hear:


Using More than One Pre- or Post-roll

There can be up to three pieces of audio in the preroll, and three in the postroll. If you had all three added to a feed, the listener would hear, in order:


Enabling Dynamic Content

The basic steps for using Dynamic Content are as follows:

  1. Click "Dynamic Content" just above your list of episodes in the feed.

  2. Flip the switch for "Use Dynamic Content"

  3. Drag and upload any pre- and post-roll content you'd like.

  4. Check the box for the pre/post content to become active for Dynamic Content 1, 2, and/or 3.

  5. (Optional) Schedule a start or end date for your Dynamic Content.

  6. Click "Save and Apply Dynamic Content Settings"

Be sure to "Save and Apply" after every change of both scheduling and content.

When clicking "Save and Apply", Hello Audio generates the new versions of each episode for your listeners, ready to serve at the time of listening. It can take an hour to apply all dynamic content to all episodes in a feed.

You can replace the dynamic content files at any time. Be sure to Save and Apply after replacing files.

You can also remove any dynamic content by clicking the trashcan icon to delete the file.

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