When invited to start listening to a private feed, you may find a Spotify button alongside other app choices.
Note that not all feeds are available on Spotify for various reasons. You may not see Spotify as an option if that's the case.
Here is a quick video showing how to access a private feed on Spotify. (There is no sound in this walkthrough.)
Step by Step:
Click to copy the code, then click "Subscribe" to view the private feed.
Click the lock icon, then "Get Access".
If this is your first private feed from a Hello Audio user, link your Spotify account to access the feed. The email address used for this feed is now associated with your Spotify account, and needed for future private feeds on Hello Audio.
Enter the email address that you used to sign up for this feed, and paste the access code to unlock the content. Note: Your Spotify account email address does NOT need to match the email address used here to access the feed.
Spotify will show the successful access, and link back to the feed for you to start listening.
Click Follow to be notified when new content is released.
If you are running into trouble with Spotify giving you a "Success" message but then looping you to the feed and the LOCKED symbol is still present:
1) Log out and then log back in to see if this resolves the issue.
2) If your the locked symbol is still showing after the success message and relogging back in, visit https://content-access.spotify.com/ and click "Unlink" from HelloAudio and reattempt to connect to Spotify with your access code.
If you have any questions, you can contact the feed creator, or email us at support@helloaudio.fm