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Add by URL for Publishing Episodes
Updated over 3 months ago

You can drop a link to import video or audio from elsewhere online. As long as the media is publicly available, we can import, convert it to audio if needed, and make it available for publishing.

You can publish from the following sources:

  • Youtube

  • Vimeo

  • Facebook

  • Dropbox

  • Zoom

Click "Add By URL" above your list of episodes. Paste your links and confirm!

The links need to be publicly accessible. You can test this by trying to open the link in a private browsing window. If you can play it in a private window, we should be able to import it.

You can add up to 5 links at a time. Each will be added to the feed as a new episode in the same way that uploading the files directly would appear. Once finished importing and converting, you can publish the to your listeners.

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