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Tag Listener in ConvertKit with Actions
Tag Listener in ConvertKit with Actions
Updated over 3 months ago

You can add a tag to a listener in your ConvertKit account using Actions. This can be triggered when a listener subscribes to a feed, or listens to a particular episode.

Things You'll Need

  • The Tag ID of a currently existing tag in ConvertKit

    • Click on the tag and copy the number in the URL after "subscribable_ids="

    • If you don't have your tag yet, you can create it by clicking "+Create a Tag". My example tag shown below is "Listened to Episode 1".

Here's the ID in the URL. We'll use that number in a bit.

Setting up the Action in Hello Audio

Head to your Actions page in your Hello Audio account at This requires a Powerhouse Hello Audio plan.

Decide what you'd like to cause the tag to be added by choosing options in the "When this happens..." section.

For "I want this to happen" choose "POST to a Webhook".

In the URL field paste the following, including your tag ID number replacing #######:

In the Header, paste the following:

{ "Content-Type": "application/json" }

In the Body, paste the following, replacing your ########### with yourAPI key:

   "api_key": "################",
   "email": "[[email]]"

When it looks like the image below, click "Save This Action". Done!

Testing the Action

To confirm all is working properly, you can click "Test Action" in your list of Hello Audio actions. Your Hello Audio email address will be updated as a contact in ConvertKit with the tag you chose. The test takes a few minutes.

It should appear in the top of your Action History after a few minutes. If it appears red, something is wrong with your setup. Be sure to follow the steps above closely.

You can read more about tags in ConvertKit's API documentation for developers at

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