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Zapier Triggers
Updated over 3 months ago

Powerhouse users can trigger Zapier zaps using Hello Audio. Triggers are the start of Zaps.

It's worth noting that the speed at which these triggers occur after the event happens depends on your Zapier plan. Check their pricing page to see the current rates. They range from 15 minutes on the free plan to 1 minute on the most expensive.

Create a new Zap and search for Hello Audio as the trigger. Then choose your Trigger Event, which are explained below.

Listeners Activates a Feed

This gets triggered when a listener subscribes to a feed for the first time. In other words, the feed has been accessed by a podcast app.

You choose which feed you'd like to monitor for subscriptions.

The trigger returns the email address of the listener who subscribed to the feed. This can be used in later steps.

Listener Downloads Specific Episode

This is triggered when an episode is listened to.

You choose the feed, then pick the episode.

The trigger returns the email address of the listener who listened to that episode, which can be used in later steps of the zap.

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