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Grow Your Email List Using Hello Audio Signup Page Automations
Grow Your Email List Using Hello Audio Signup Page Automations
Updated over 3 months ago

Integrate your email platform and automatically add listener signups from Hello Audio signup pages to your email list. No Zapier required!

Head to and connect your email platform. Options currently include the following email connections. Click the name to view the help doc specific for each connection, including video walkthroughs.

Once your email platform is connected, you can set up an Automation at your feed's signup page. Listeners who join your feed from the signup page will automatically be added to your email list and/or tagged based on your automation setup.

Creating an Automation

1. Inside your feed, click on Feed Details then "Edit Signup Page".

2. Click "Automations" then "Add new automation"

3. Choose your options for the automation:

  • Any pricing option, or choose a specific pricing option

    • For example, tag folks who sign up for your annual option vs monthly

  • Choose your integration. Your email platform needs to be connected at first to be selected in this dropdown. You can also choose to tag the listener in Hello Audio.

  • Select what you'd like the integration to do when someone signs up. The options here depend on the integration. Some allow adding/removing from a list. Some allow tagging or removing a tag. Some allow for both list and tags.

  • Save your automation.

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