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Using the Signup Page to Add Listeners
Using the Signup Page to Add Listeners
Updated over 3 months ago

Each feed has a signup page for listener to join your feed. This can be free, or a paid signup. Paid feeds requires a connected Stripe account. Visit this help doc for Stripe setup instructions.

Inside the feed, click "Feed Details" tab on the right side of the page to expand options and click on Edit Sign Up Page.

When you're ready, you can change it to Live mode and listeners will be able to join using that page. Click "View Page" to preview what your listeners will see as you make changes.

When you're ready, share the link to your signup page to start adding listeners!

On Desktop

On Mobile

Page Layout

You have the option to include any of the following on the signup page.

  • Title - The title of the feed.

  • Author - Your name or business name, as set in the feed.

  • Cover Art - The image used in the feed.

  • A rich-text description - This is separate from your feed description that appears in podcast apps.

And you can ask for any of the following pieces of information from your listeners. (Note that the lister's email address will always be a required field.)

  • Listener's name

  • Listener phone number

  • Agreement to your terms of service. See more information below.

Powerhouse users are able to choose a custom branding color for the buttons and accent text.

Terms of Service

The terms are for you to host elsewhere and link from within the text box in Hello Audio. For example, you could type:

I agree to the terms of service.

...where "terms of service" links to something like

If you don't have your terms hosted on a webpage, you can add them to a document somewhere like Google Docs or Dropbox and use that link instead.

Feel free to include any additional links or text that need agreement, like a privacy policy, or legal disclaimers as required by your content, e.g. legal advice, financial advice, weight loss claims, earnings claims, etc.

Pricing Options

Click "+ Add pricing option" and give it a label, which is visible publicly. You can add an internal label to help you remember what that pricing refers to, if needed.

As you create payment options, you can reorder them by dragging them in the list. The order you see in the Pricing Option area is what the buyer will see.

Choose the Payment type:

  • Free - No payment required. Collect email addresses to access the content.

  • One time - A single payment to access the content. Requires a connected Stripe account.

  • Recurring - Set the amount and frequency of the payments, as well as the number of repeats. This can be indefinite, or a set number of payments. Requires a connected Stripe account.

You can set the currency at the payment option level. Any currency that's different from you Stripe account currency will be exchanged at the time of payment to your Stripe currency.

Available Currencies


Application Fees

Stripe fees are 2.9%+$0.30 per transaction for all users.

Hello Audio application fees vary by the user's plan:

  • Starter: 5%

  • Pro: 2%

  • Powerhouse: 0%

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